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Individualized for your unique goals & needs


PRIVATE 1:1 Yin Yoga Therapy

1:1 sessions are uniquely catered to your own needs and goals. I help you take proper form and modifications as needed,  guide you in mental focus and breath awareness in order to help you get the most out of your practice. Yin Yoga Therapy sessions combine counseling concepts with focus on deep release & strengthening of fascia and connective tissue. Fascia health is important in releasing stored emotional energy, reducing risk of tissue injuries, improving alignment, managing chronic pain &/or illness, & gaining better leadership over thoughts, emotions & behaviors. Please contact us to book a free phone consult to discuss services further. 


Private Couples & Small Group Yin Yoga Therapy

Couples and small group sessions offer similar intimacy and catering to your needs as 1:1 sessions, at a more affordable cost. This can also be a fun & relaxing experience for you and your significant other or group of friends looking to support one another in prioritizing your mental health and wellness.

Yoga Child's Pose

Focus Groups 

Focus groups are small group, yin yoga therapy programs, limited to 6 students per group. These programs typically include 8, 90-MIN sessions and offer participants a supportive community to grow together. Program themes, dates, and times may vary. Follow on social media for most current class offering updates; or email or call for more info.  


Focus Groups are held at 1225 Volunteer Pkwy, Bristol, TN 37620 (Appalachian Bouldering Center's front studio room)

Practicing Yoga


I provide short classes on YouTube for free as a resource for my clients to use between sessions and for those who may not be able to afford individual or small group sessions at this time, but wish to begin some sort of Yin Yoga self-practice. While online classes do not quite provide the same experience of in-person sessions, they are a good additional resource for continued practice or for those just looking to dip theirs toes in the water of Yin. 


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